Monday, December 23, 2019

Lee Brown ILM Level 3 Developing Yourself and Others...

Developing Yourself and Others Background. I currently work for Tactical Solutions representing a growing Milk brand in the UK, A2 Milk. A2 Milk offers an easy to digest milk alternative that is the only natural milk type in the category. Our challenge is to educate staff and customers in store about our brand and why they should choose our milk over Soya, Goats and Lactofree options out there and the benefits we offer consumers such as being the only natural milk that IBS sufferers can digest amongst others. My role is to lead a Southern based field sales team to drive sales across the Tesco and Morrisons estate whilst ensuring they have the right knowledge and tools in order to complete the task in hand. I need to complete†¦show more content†¦AC 1.3 By completing this SWOT analysis the potential barriers for myself in to delegate more tasks to Simon, however this will mean that I will need to give close support on how to improve Simon’s skills using Excel and PowerPoint in order to give him the necessary knowledge and tools in which for Simon to develop these and take the workload from me. In order to provide Simon the required level of knowledge an initial day of training will need to be undertaken between Simon and myself in order to overcome this and will then ensure that once Simon has the skill set needed to take this on, develop this himself and allow Simon to get more creative with the responsibilities he can begin to undertake. Further training will be provided by ensuring Simon attends further training provided by Tactical Solutions to its managers on Excel and PowerPoint. By doing this it will assist me in becoming more of a delegator to Simon whilst using my strengths in coaching Simon and help him become competent in using technological programmes and becoming a more creative thinker to help evolve

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Human Rights and Intervention in the Rwandan Genocide Free Essays

string(28) " from Rwanda at this point\." Human Rights and Intervention in the Rwandan Genocide Human rights are known as â€Å"inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled to simply because he or she is a human being†. These rights are known to be universal and are the same to everyone living on earth. These rights are said to exist in both national and international law. We will write a custom essay sample on Human Rights and Intervention in the Rwandan Genocide or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Universal Declaration of Human rights, which is supported by fifty countries across the globe, attests to this definition and backs up the idea that all people are equal and have the right to pursue happiness no matter who they are, where they are from, their skin color, age, or sex, etc. If these countries believe these things to be true, why was there not a mass intervention when the Hutu militia in Rwanda took it upon themselves to kill hundreds of thousands of people based solely on their ethnicity? It seems that if these countries are not going to benefit in some way, then they have no desire to help or intervene when there is a crisis in another country. The United Nations, which is said to be an international institution that values human rights, should make sure that tragedies, such as the Rwandan genocide, do not occur. Countries cannot act selfish when it comes to war, genocide, and the lives of innocent people. Aiding everyone, treating people with fairness and equality, and fighting for what is right should be far more important than a country’s personal gain.. The one and only deciding factor that manifests what will happen with human rights violations and a countries choice to intervene is the United Nations and the international community. This paper will analyze why it took so long for other countries to intervene in the Rwandan genocide and how the United Nations and the international community directly correlate with human rights violations and interventions in international tragedies. During the Rwandan genocide, thousands of people were killed in the name of ethnic violence. Men, women and children were taken out of their own homes and killed for nothing other than their ethnicity. At this time, the Hutu ethnicity made up over eighty percent of the population, and blamed the people of Tutsi, who made up the lower fifteen percent for all of the economic and political problems of the country. This, in turn, led to Hutu rebels who felt that the only way to solve the issues in Rwanda was to eliminate the Tutsi people all together. Hutu extremists and militia aunched plans and were able to almost effectively rid Rwanda of the Tutsi ethnicity. Tutsi people tried to escape but most were killed or attacked before fleeing was even a possible outcome. Thousands and thousands of people participated in the ethnic cleansing of the Tutsi people in Rwanda. This situation was very chaotic and got completely out of control because no countries chose to intervene and help the Rwan dan people until it was too late. Is it in a country’s best interest to intervene in another country’s warfare or should the country sit back until it gets worse? Why did it take so long and the loss of so many lives before other countries chose to intervene in the Rwandan genocide? The Rwandan genocide was a mass murder of an estimated million people in Eastern Africa in the state of Rwanda. Over about one hundred days, it is estimated that twenty percent of the country’s total population were killed. This resulted from a longstanding ethnic battle and tensions between the minority party, the Tutsi, who had controlled power for centuries, and the majority, the Hutu, who had come into power through a rebellion in the early 1960’s. In 1990, a rebel group of Tutsi refugees invaded Rwanda in an attempt to defeat the Hutu government. This began the Rwandan Civil War, resulting in far worse tension between the two groups. In response to this, many Hutu people gravitated toward the â€Å"Hutu Power† ideology which consisted of state-controlled and independent Rwandan media. It also consisted that the Tutsi intended to make slaves of the Hutu people and that this must be resisted at all costs. Ethnic strife resulted in the rebels’ displacing large numbers of Hutu in the north and Hutu killing of Tutsi in the south. The assassination of Habyarimana in April of 1994 set off even more violence during which Hutu groups conducted mass killings of Tutsis. The genocide was supported and coordinated by the national government as well as local military. Along with the local military, primary responsibility for all of the Tutsi killings lies with two Hutu militias that were organized for this purpose by political parties, the Interahamwe and the Impuzamugambi. Although once the genocide began, a great number of Hutu civilians took parts in the murders as well. There was no peace agreement in place at this point, the Tutsi rebels started their offensive, defeating the army and seizing control of the country. The Hutu militia groups set out to murder any and all Tutsis that they could find regardless of their age or sex. They forced Hutu civilians to participate in the genocide, or be killed in return. The Hutu militia groups used radio airwaves as a way to contact other Tutsis and to provide them with information on what to in order to keep themselves alive. Most nations evacuated their diplomats and nationals from the country and abandoned their embassies in the initial stages of violence. Militia began to set up hundreds of roadblocks around the country and used them to block off areas and make it easier for them to attack certain areas. This militia also sent cables to foreign countries letting them know that ethnicity was the driving factor of all the killings and that their politicians and peacekeepers were not safe in Rwanda. American citizens were evacuated from Rwanda at this point. You read "Human Rights and Intervention in the Rwandan Genocide" in category "Essay examples" Most of the victims were killed in their own villages and homes by machetes and rifles. The Hutu gangs searched through homes, schools, and churches and massacred all the people that they found hiding or trying to flee. The Hutu’s attempt to eliminate all Tutsi, men, women, and children was so chaotic that there is no consensus of the amount of people killed on some days, but what is most important to remember is that this was genocide, and that the Hutu’s were trying to eliminate and erase the memory of Tutsi existence. Out of the Rwandan population of 7. 3 million people, 84% were Hutu, and 16% were Tutsi. The official figures posted by the Rwandan government estimated that the number of victims of the genocide to be 1,174,000 in one hundred days. To narrow that down even more, that is 10,000 a day, or 400 very hour, or 7 every minute. It was also estimated that about 300,000 Tutsi were somehow able to survive the genocide. Thousands of these survivors were women, who were raped daily by Hutu men and ultimately became HIV positive. Of the survivors, there were thousands of orphans and close to all of them were forced to become the head of their household. The world did not act, at least not in a quick manner, to save the Tutsi people of Rwanda. United Nations representatives and commanders were there and there were also peacekeepers in the nation but their efforts were very inimal. Countries did not act at all, even though most countries ratified the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, nothing was done to stop the on-going mass killings of hundreds of thousands of people. There are several reasons why they international community took so long to intervene and why their efforts even at that time were so small. The first is that this might have been a civil war, and fo reign states have been advised not to intervene in national self-determinations. Another explanation is that no one knew about the vast amount of massacres occurring in Rwanda until much of the damage had already been done. And unfortunately, the last reason that other countries did not intervene is because they genuinely were not concerned about getting involved in something that would not offer them any personal gain. Rwanda had nothing to off these countries in exchange for their help, and unfortunately no country saw that it would be beneficial for the to get involved solely for good merit. Unfortunately, Rwanda is not the only nation that has been ignored when genocides occurred. Countries such as Iraq, Bosnia, Koscovo, Cambodia, and Sudan have all had some type of ethnic cleansing take place which occurred after United Nations ratification at the convention and yet nothing was done to stop it or even intervene. Intervening, whether humane or not, has always been a dilemma for countries. A state feels that it should not involve itself in a sovereign state in order to preserve autonomy and freedom. Critics argue that an intervention would indeed help preserve the autonomy and freedom of a state where basic rights are being violated but it is unlikely that a country would do this. Although the United Nations was created to continue communication and cooperation among nations, it feels that it was not created to solve world problems, especially not within countries. The United Nations feels that some countries are going to have to solve the problems within their own state on their own terms, time, and money. Since the creation of the United Nations, there have been fewer wars but civil wars have exponentially grown. This is result of Western colonizing powers creating artificial boundaries between their colonies and not taking into consideration the ethnic group that they may be dividing and elittling. As a consequence, ethnic clashes are more prevalent in the world now, and the world along with the United Nations is unsure on how to deal with the problem, which is why we see a constant lack of intervention with these types of issues. The United Nations does however always offer basic services to these countries that are in need. Services range from food and wa ter relief, to imposing sanctions on countries, to peacekeeping, which was seen in Rwanda during the genocide. These are ways of helping civilian populations whom may not even be involved in the conflict, along with the victims of the horrible tragedy. The United States of America was one country that was the most reluctant to intervene in the Rwandan genocide. During the time of the Rwandan genocide, the United States had just pulled American troops out of a disastrous peacekeeping mission in Somalia. The United States vowed to never again return to a conflict that it was not able to understand, between people, clans, and tribes, that it did not know, and especially in a country where the United States had no national interests. President Clinton tried to keep that promise to the American people by suggesting that the rebels needed to stop the violence themselves, even though he had full support from Congress to intervene at this time. With Congress looking toward Clinton, and Clinton looking toward the United Nations, nothing was done and the genocide was forced to run its course. Choosing not to intervene was at the top of Clinton’s failure list for his time as President of the United States of America. The genocide in Rwanda could have been easily prevented. The international community could have taken many steps to prevent the genocide that would not have involved military action. Solidarity within the United Nations was almost nonexistent win regard to Rwanda. Most countries had no investments and nothing to gain in helping Rwanda, so little was done. Had the United Nations paid more attention to what was going on was genocide much earlier, action could have been taken much sooner and the lives of so many people would not have been lost. Early actions could have prevented China and France from providing weapons which only fueled the genocide and increased the death toll. The United States under President Bill Clinton refused to take any kind of action in Rwanda because there was no economic interest; apparently moral interest is of no importance at this point in time. The United States also helped in making sure other countries did not interfere as well. Had the countries recognized the conditions in Rwanda early on, there could have been a serious obstacle in the genocide’s execution. Instead, however, the United States argued over what the word genocide actually meant and feared to even use it because they would be compelled to act if it was described as an actual genocide. If the condition in the country were recognized sooner, the international community would have responded more quickly. Rwanda was also not equipped with the technology that is available to most developed countries. Telephone lines were scarce, but the country was heavily saturated with radios and radio frequencies, which was the only way to spread propaganda. The United States had the technology to jam the radio waves and when presented with this information, the United States refused to lend the technology to help the Rwandan people. This action completely prevented the international community from being able to jam the radio frequencies, further preventing any hope for the Tutsi people. Had the Rwandan people had this technology, they would have been able to stop the spread of hate messages, and later in the genocide, it would have nearly stopped the militia from finding people, as Tutsi locations were broadcast over the radio. Arguably, this could have stopped the genocide in its tracks or at least made it very difficult for the genocide to continue without another country even setting foot on Rwanda soil. The United States and other countries interact with other states on a state level. The problem with that during the Rwandan genocide was that when the United Nations hears a report that genocide may be taking place within a country then its response is to notify that country’s government about it. This helped none whatsoever in Rwanda because the government were part of the reason the genocide was happening and taking place. If reports are being leaked to the international community, it is obvious that the community, for some reason, is not taking any sort of action to alleviate the situation. The insistence on only dealing with other countries as states prevents any action being done for the voiceless individuals who have no voice and cannot fight for themselves. Had the United States not blatantly refused in taking action in Rwanda, other countries would have more than likely been more willing to help the innocent victims in Rwanda. The United States refusal made others believe that they were also not expected to help. In the aftermath of the genocide, Rwanda is a very different country. While Hutus ad and Tutsis now live side by side, many feel that the only way for them to survive is to destroy the other ethnic group. The post-genocide government has tried to establish a greater level of stability within the country in hopes of another genocide never occurring again. The Rwandan government has abolished the ethnic identity cards that were for so long, the only means of distinguishing one group from another. Many citizens still remember what their neighbors are, while others live next door to someone who murdered their families. Most Rwandans now refuse to place themselves in an ethnic category at all in hopes of the new generation of Rwandan people growing up without and identity card and without ethnic tension with the people they are constantly surrounded by. The impact of the United Nations on the intervention in human rights violation most definitely correlates. This was seen in the Rwandan genocide. Since the United Nations decided as a whole that they would not intervene in a beneficial way, then that is what all the other countries decided independently. So if there was not a large governing international institution, things may have played out differently. Countries may have seen the horrible things happening in Rwanda and chose to lend a helping hand rather than sitting back and watching Rwanda crumble. If there is a lesson to be learned from everything that happened in Rwanda, it is that the international community needs to avoid giving the impression that it is willing to or is even capable of rescuing civilians in a conflict. If this is not the case, then it is important to build the capacity of people to do the job of protecting themselves, their family, and their country. Beck, Roger B. World History Patterns of Interaction. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2007. Scherrer, Christian. Genocide and crisis in Central Africa: conflict roots, mass violence, and regional war; foreword by Robert Melson. Praeger, 2002. Weissman, Stephen R. â€Å"Preventing Genocide in Burundi Lessons from International Diplomacy†,  United States Institute of Peace http://www. genocidewatch. org/images/Rwanda-13-Mar-07-First_the_Deed,_Then_the Denial. pdf   Release of Rwanda’s mastermind of death promotes genocide denial,  Harvard Law Record, December 4, 2009   UN Security Council Resolution 912 (1994), implementing an â€Å"adjustment† of UNAMIR’s mandate and force level as outlined in the  Ã¢â‚¬Å"UNDOC Special Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwan da†, April 20, 1994 (document no. S/1994/470)   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Rwanda-UNAMIR Background†. United Nations. Retrieved May 30, 2011. Shake Hands With the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda:  ISBN 0-679-31171-8, pg. 213 How to cite Human Rights and Intervention in the Rwandan Genocide, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Homework Questions free essay sample

What famous literary works became the basis for Romantic operas? Chapter 35, p. 299 1 . How did the traditional system of tonality break down in the early twentieth century and what replaced It? 2. How did composers change their approach to the orchestra in early twentieth-century music? How did they approach form? Chapter 36, p. 312 1 . What elements made Stravinsky Rite of Spring shocking to its first audiences? Is it still shocking today?Chapter 39, p. 339 2. What qualities in the music of Aaron Copeland are particularly American? Chapter 41, p. 362 1 . How did George Gershwin and Leonard Bernstein both straddle the worlds of Classical and popular music? 2. What is the literary basis for Porgy and Bess? How does this story differ from other musicals at the time? 3. What Is the literary basis for West Side Story? What does this story share with Porgy and Bess? Chapter 42, p. 371 1. How does the music for film contribute to the drama of the story? 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Homework Questions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page How does JohnWilliams unify his films through the music? Chapter 18, p. 135 2. How is the suite an international genre? Chapter 19, p. 139 1 . How did composers achieve both unity and contrast in the concerto? 2. What musical techniques did Vivaldi employ in La Primeval to depict the Imagery of spring? Chapter 23, p. 180 1 . How did Classical composers vary the standard structure of the symphony? 2. What contributions did Haydn make to the genre of the symphony? Chapter 24, p. 185 How is the virtuosic ability of the performer displayed in the Classical concerto?Chapter 30, p. 243 1 . What is Romantic about the program and music of Berliners Symphony Fantastical? 2. What are some ways that nationalism is reflected in nineteenth- century music? Chapter 31, p. 251 1 . What remains classical about the treatment of absolute music in the Romantic era? What is romantic about these structures? 2. How would you describe expressive devises (melody and harmony, for example) of Romantic composers of the symphony and concerto? Chapter 43, p. 382 1 . From which diverse musical styles did rock originate?

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Online Enrollment System Conceptual Framework free essay sample

Online enrollment system is utilized today by many universities to facilitate the enrollment of their students into classes every semester (Gaton, 2012). The system allows students to choose courses they want to take with the available class schedules. This allows students to make up their time schedules for different class courses without time schedule conflicts. After the allotted enrollment period, the system runs and assigns slots to students. With the Online Student Enrollment System, students could login, check their schedule, and set desired changes and pay online without having to stand in a line and rushing to meet deadlines to accomplish all the transactions required for enrollment (Ella, 2012). It would be less time consuming and very convenient. a. How OEM Works How about a student online enrollment system conveniently linked to your information portal? This service could help lessen the amount of time and effort in enrolling for subjects in every semester (Marchan, 2012). We will write a custom essay sample on Online Enrollment System Conceptual Framework or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page You might have encountered some websites which provide services that require registration online. The customer information is stored in the database and used for every transactions made. This eliminates manual registration and sometimes payment process for customers. All businesses are accomplished fast, efficient and conveniently, in your computer. According to Binayao(2010), Online Systems usually follows this simple diagram(refer to Fig. 1 below). Figure 1 New students need to sign up by filling out the personal information page with their unique ID number to be activated by the secretary. The system recognizes the valid user ID. The secretary can add grades of the students. Thus, the students can view their grades online. The system evaluates the subjects previously taken by the students and generates a list of subjects that the students can enroll. After the students have selected the subjects to be enrolled, the proposed system shows the different schedules of each subject. Finally, the system generates the enrollment form that contains the financial statement and schedules of subject. The administrator can add curriculum, subjects, and schedules. He can also view the students’ profile and the list of students enrolled in every subject and in every department. b. Online Systems and their Maintenance The Internet is the most convenient and efficient commodity for organizations and businesses alike. Websites function as a portal for members, customers and others to communicate, provide services and support 24-hours a day. It is cost effective for promotion, marketing and information dissemination (Ella,2012) NLS, NAPOLCOM, SOL, and GoDirect are a few of the leading providers on Online System Worldwide(Ella,2012). They all differ on structure, but all of them offers great service on an affordable price. In the Philippines, universities like UST, FEU and DLSU all created their own systems of Online Enrollment. Johnston (2009) implies that maintaining OE Systems may require license updates, upgrades, and hardware maintenance. It may cost $5-$25(equivalent to P200-P1000) per User per Month, depending on the System. ONLINE ENROLLMENT METHOD VS. TRADITIONAL METHOD OF ENROLLMENT In the past couple of decades, computers and technology have revolutionized once-slow processes, saving industries time and money in ways not previously possible. With today’s budget crisis, school districts are looking for ways to use computers and the Internet to streamline school business processes while substantially lowering their cost (Anderson, 2011). Still, traditional methods/systems are used more often than not in enrollment procedures of universities (Apon, 2012). Enrollment serves as a vital part in the life of every student upon entering schools or universities, either public or in private. It gives students the impression on how the whole institute manages and manipulates the entire body. Moreover, enrolment serves as the first experience of all students by which he/she takes part, according to So (2012). One of the factors considered here is the lack of manpower to accommodate all enrollees. Also considered are the tedious task of filling out the application form and the inaccuracies of information provided by the students. These factors cause enrollment delay, which is disadvantageous to the enrolment personnel and the enrollees (Leonar, 2010). Still, the availability of Online Systems has its own advantages and disadvantages, much like how the traditional method of enrollment has its own (Marchan, 2012). Some of the factors that may be affected are: 1. The Number of Workers utilized in Enrollments (along with their salaries) 2. The Maintenance Cost of Online Systems . The Fund Available These factors must be looked up first before deciding which is better for a university. a. Top-rated Universities in the Phil. and their Methods of Enrollment According to Forman (2007) in his article â€Å"New Research Perspectives on Mobility, Organizations, Systems and Technologies†, continuing innovation in technologies can lead to organizational changes that range from improvement of day-to-day operation and for easy access it provides for the end users. Many schools today have adapted this innovation in the offering of their services. In the Philippines, Ateneo De Manila, De La Salle, Far-Eastern, and other top-rated universities accepted the challenge and created their own Online Systems of Enrollment. b. Enrollment System of SLU The Current Enrollment System of SLU is similar to the traditional method, wherein a student is required to enroll and transact personally in the enrollment rooms of the university. Old and new students need to fill up application forms like pre-enrollment form, and will input validated ID and registration forms to the department enrollment officers.  The current system needs those information to process the enrollment of the students. Enrollment Systems like this are slow, and takes time and energy from the students and enrollment officers alike (Lucas, 2010).

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Authenticity Berlin Essay Example

Authenticity Berlin Essay Example Authenticity Berlin Essay Authenticity Berlin Essay This report has been written as results of research before and during the fieldtrip in Berlin. It will focus on the theme of this case, namely authenticity, commodification and their relationship with tourism. The aim of this report is to find an answer to the problem statement: In what sense can the tourism product of Berlin be considered as authentic? Therefore five research questions were given and will be dealt with in this report. The first research question is What are the definitions of authenticity and commodification, and what is their relation to tourism? The second research question What is considered to be the tourism product of Brussels? will give a short overview of the main tourist hotspots in Berlin. Moreover the question In what way is authenticity used in advertisements and marketing? and What are examples of co modified culture in Berlin? will be answered. The last research questions Do tourists experience the authentic Berlin will focus on the results of interviews which have been conducted during the fieldtrip in Berlin. Finally, the answer to the problem will be given in the in the conclusion as well as a short summary of the main points with reference to the research questions. Authenticity and commodification in relationship with tourism Within the tourism industry the term authenticity is often explained by the real and traditional. But there are so many definitions of the term authenticity. Like the dictionary stated authenticity is known to be real and genuine (Soanes, Hawker and Elliot, 2006). Many others indicated that the meaning of the term is personal, so every person has its own opinion about it. This means that tourism products can be authentic for one person, but is inauthentic for someone else. Research has been concluded to mark the difference between authentic and inauthentic. Dann stated that authentic can be related to something in the past, herby one can think of an era, culture and traditions. Authenticity plays an important role in the tourism studies according to Hughes. (Dann, 2002). Gilmore Pine II (2007) suggested that authenticity comes compared with management tools as well in order to help businesses, and of course also businesses within the tourism industry, for example render authenticity by implementing specific strategies (Gilmore Pine II, 2007). Besides, there is staged authenticity, which means that the aspects of a certain culture which are known by the tourist are still performed by the local community. But in fact it is only a show for the tourists and in the daily life of the locals it is not used anymore. E.g. Venice you see every where gondolas, but only filled with tourist. Authenticity consists out of 3 different types, namely objective, constructive and existential authenticity. According to Dann objective authenticity means when a toured object is authentic the experience is authentic as well; a historic event is authentic when it is organised in its original setting and time period. Constructive authenticity depends on the fact that the tourists must see the objectives as authentic, which includes that the authenticity depends on the person who presents the object instead of the object itself. The last type of authenticity is personal, where the interaction between tourists plays an important role. There are two distinctions the de re-experience, which is caused by one experience like visiting the Louvre and experiencing the real Mona Lisa, while de other type has to do with the character of an experience, than the Mona Lisa in Las Vegas can be authentic as well (Dann, 2002). The transformation of goods and services (or things that may not normally regarded as goods or services) into a commodity. (Kadijk, 2009). This is a definition of the term commodification Kadijk also add that commodification is not only about good and services, but it has also to do with rituals, ceremonies, folk arts etc. Commodification can be classified into three types of values; which are use value based on the usefulness of a commodity; the value and original purpose for the community. Secondly, the exchange value which is related to the amount of tourist who would like to pay for it. Furthermore, there is the sign value which includes the personal perception of the tourist (Kadijk, 2009). Commodification can be related to the term authenticity and is often seen as negative. Because it causes devaluation experiencing the real culture it included the loss of intrinsic value of a culture. Nevertheless, is has also advantages for local communities, the interest of tourist in the culture will grow and the existence of traditional crafts is affected by this phenomenon. Tourism results in commodification of cultural aspects; which are produced and performed only for the tourists. (Halewood, 2001). To conclude both terms can be related to tourism. Authenticity describes the traditional culture, like staged authenticity shows the old traditions to the tourists. Commodification means the transformation of good, services as well as rituals etc. within a commodity. It has often disadvantages, like the devaluation of the real culture. The tourism product of Berlin After visiting Berlin and its attractions, it can be concluded that there is great variety of hot spots in the city. However, this paper focuses on five of them, and each will be explained. These hot spots are as follows: Reichstag, Brandenburg Tor, Checkpoint Charlie, Alexanderplatz and the Olympia stadium. To begin with, one of the most famous hot spots in Berlin is Reichstag. It was build between 1884 and 1894, and it was the first German Parliament. Later on, in 1933 the building was almost destroyed in a fire and it was renovated in the late sixties. From the late sixties the building is used for different purposes and by different organisations. Since 1999 the building is again the seat of the German Parliament. The exterior of the architecture of Reichstag differs from the interior. The exterior architecture is Renaissance, while the interior has modern design. An interesting part of the building is the glass and steal dome. The next hot spot is the Brandenburg Tor which was symbol of the division of Berlin. It was built in 1791 by Carl Gotthard Langhans. The Brandenburg Gate used to be the main entrance to the city, but today it is only the gate that is still there. The gate is situated in the centre of Berlin, and it is close to many attractions of the city. The architecture of the gate is classicism and it is influenced by the Acropolis in Athens. The gate consists of six columns, which forms five entrances, and it was used only by famous people. The other entrances, on the both sides of the main five entrances were used by the ordinary people. The next astonishing attraction of Berlin is Checkpoint Charlie, situated at the historic Mitte district, which is symbol of the separation of the Berlin. Moreover, it was the place where people crossed the boundary between the West and East part of the city. Checkpoint Charlie is the only place in Berlin which is still authentic. The evidence for the authenticity of the place still exists and it is the sign You are leaving the American sector. The sign is written in four languages, namely German, English, Russian and French. The Checkpoint Charlie is easy to access, and many other attractions can be visited in the surrounding. The following hot spot of Berlin is the Alexanderplatz. It is situated at the historical centre of Berlin. The site was named on the Russian king Alexander I, who visited Berlin in 1805. However, many buildings at the square were destroyed in the Second World War Later on, in the 19th century it became modern shopping centre. In the surroundings of the Alexanderplatz is the TV tower, which is one of the tallest structures in Europe. The last hot spot, which will be described in this paper, is the Olympia stadium. It is situated far from the centre, but it is still preferred destination for the tourists and especially for the soccer fans. The Olympia stadium is place for sport activities and events and it has 74,500 seats. The stadium was opened in 1936 and reconstructed in 1974. The Olympia stadium was host for the Summer Olympics in 1936 and FIFA World Cup in 2006, where the teams of France and Italy played the finals. The stadium offers guided tours in which the visitors have the opportunity to see the VIP lounges and the changing rooms of the soccer players. Authenticity in advertisements and marketing Nowadays, advertising to attract more tourists is less focused on the product information, but more about the experiences of tourist and mainly the authentic experiences. This can be seen in the brochures which describe Berlin. To promote a certain tourist destinations, always the hotspots are used in advertisements and marketing. To promote Berlin as an international tourism destination the Branderburger gate is mainly used in advertisements. It can already be found in the logo of the Berlin Tourismus Marketing Organisation which is responsible for the world-wide promotion of Berlin as an international tourist destination. Or the Berlin wall is a good example, because almost all the tourist know something about the history and which role the Berlin played in the Second World War To highlight the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, a TV spot is made to promote Berlin worldwide on CNN in this sport Berlin is promoted as an extraordinary city. Berlin has a lot of opportunities like they build a whole new modern train station, but also have old historic buildings. In a brochure about the art museum in Berlin called in German the Gemà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ldegalerie, which collection one of the biggest from art between the 13th and 18th century a picture of a modern building is showed on the front of the brochure. The brochure is decorated with pictures of old painting made in the 13th and 18th century. Examples of commodified culture in Berlin There are several examples that illustrate the commodification of the culture in Berlin. To begin with, one of the examples of commodified culture is the Christmas markets. These markets were created many years ago for the local people only and they offered to the residents only products that are made in the region. However, nowadays these markets sell not only regional products, but also products made in other regions. For example, tourist can find hats, products made by glass and much more products that are not made in the area. Furthermore, these products are made mainly for tourists, and that makes the markets no longer authentic, but rather commodified. The next example of commodified culture is the tourism offices and the products they sell. These offices used to provide the tourist with information about the region and the attractions that can be visited. Nowadays, the tourism offices not only provide with information the tourist, but they also sell products with the logo of Berlin. For example lighters, t-shirts and pens. Walking throughout the Berlin the tourist can see many souvenirs shops. These souvenirs are created only to sell them to the tourists and they are just commodities. Examples of the souvenirs representing Berlin include key holders, pens and even small stones from the Berlin wall. The products that are sold in these shops are typical example of commodification, because they do not show the culture of the city. The last example of commodified culture in Berlin is the guided tours with buses through the city. These tours are absolutely created for the tourists. The visitors just sit in the bus in listen to a guide who explains the history of the city. This is commodification because the tourists cannot feel and see the real Berlin. It is impossible to understand the culture of a city by going on a tour with a bus, because visitors cannot see how local people behave and they cannot understand what their values and beliefs are. Tourists about the authentic Berlin Authenticity and commodification are the concepts which difficult to distinguish, particularly in tourism field. During the time spend in Berlin and after several kinds of research have been made, as a consequence, the group experienced the city and identified the authentic Berlin. The study was conducted in Berlin by walking; visitors were required to provide information on the authenticity of their opinions about Berlin. A lot of tourists said that the most authenticity in Berlin was by visiting the historical sightseeing. Because of the historical events were really took place there. Most of the tourists in Berlin understood that there were many very authentic Berlin such as Brandenburg Gate, Berlin Wall and the museums of Berlin. However, not only the sights represent authentic Berlin but also the culture events, like Christmas markets and the precious architecture of the buildings. Referring to some of details of the attractions such as the Brandenburg Gate that people reflect on that it is typical and authentically in Berlin. Talking about old and famous in Berlin, Berlin Wall cannot be ignored because of the history is too profound impact on the city, even though it was rebuild but which is still effective. Additionally, some of famous architect buildings which were visited by a number of tourists are commodified but also authentic. On the other side, visitors feel that many sights in the city have changed for attracting more tourists; these might reduce the authenticity of Berlin. The increasing number of Hotels, souvenir shops and the large-scale billboards will take over the image of the city into commodification to tourists. Moreover, as mentioned before, authentic or commodified is a choice of independent subjective and Berlin represent both of the concepts. In short, it can be said that there are two opinions upon request the interviews of tourists passing by. Berlin does have the authentic parts representing by the historical sites, such as Brandenburg Gate, and also traditional culture like Christmas market. However, Berlin is a commodity, because of the changing of the city and some man-made atmosphere for tourists. From the research of Berlin, not only authenticity but also commercialization can be highly controversial, authentic or not is up to the individual and perception.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Assessment Of My Health Record Samples

My health record (MHR) was developed to assist the patients and the healthcare industry, and it is successful in achieving the targets. However, the system is not perfect and has problems associated with it. Out of the many problems associated with the technology, one of the most concerning is the implementation and skills to operate the system. The reason behind the above-made statement lies on the fact that the implementation of the system is costly and requires additional expenses in training and providing the training resources to the stakeholders (McAlearney et al., 2015). The training is provided to make the stakeholders comfortable and aware of the systems operations and uses. Additionally, maintaining the system also demands expertise which the healthcare units have to hire to maintain their servers and systems. Another problem that is associated with the MHR technology is the difficulties that the healthcare experts face in updating the data of the patient regularly. The people who are not comfortable with the technology also finds organising the data according to the priority a difficult task. The older patients also prefer the traditional method of their medical records because they feel comfortable with it. Other people think that the data is stored on the internet which makes the technology insecure and vulnerable to cyber-attacks (Dinev et al., 2016). Hence, in conclusion, it can be stated that no real problem is associated with the system except for the perception towards it. The problem with the implementation cost can also be ignored if the systems long-term benefits are measured. The discussed technology was designed to assist in the medical industry, and it is fulfilling its objective. The capabilities of the technology are vast, and one of the most significant of them is the e-documentation. E-documentation refers to maintaining individual’s health record including the past and present condition electronically (Walsh et al., 2017). The documents are made available online to omit the hassle of carrying the documents and worrying about their safekeeping. The documents stored electronically can also be shared with healthcare units and experts in dire situation electronically with proper authentication. As discussed in the problems, one of the biggest challenges to the deemed system is the perception of the people that the system is insecure is a myth. The reason for the above-stated statement is that the data uploaded on the servers are kept encrypted, and appropriate authentication are provided to keep it protected from the trespassers. Additionally, a unique identification is provided to the users to enhance the security even further. The system stores data electronically which offers it the capability of managing and accessing the data from geographically diverse location. The system is also capable of enhancing the capabilities of the experts and the healthcare units. The experts and the healthcare units can test and evaluate new technologies and method in the deemed platform ("eHealth Reference Platform - Australian Digital Health Agency", 2018). The system is also capable of assisting the healthcare units in managing the inventory and offer notification when needed. The deemed system’s capability has been discussed in the above section which can be evaluated to determine the benefits of the system. On evaluation, it is evident that the system offers ease in the medical process. Hence, it can be stated that the system reduces the hassle in expert and patient communication and even enhances the caring of the patients which can be of great assistance for the people with disability and seniors (Hemsley et al., 2016). One of the capabilities of the deemed system is that it offers notification to the experts which helps the experts to cite proper attention towards the patient. The documentation part is also simplified which also preserves the expert’s time which he/she can use in caring for the patients. It is evident from the discussion above that the deemed technology is costly. However, it is partially correct as after the implementation the system saves a lot of money.   For the healthcare units, the capital is preserved inventory management and testing of new systems and techniques which they can perform with assistance from the system. While the patients are financially benefitted by omitting the mailing costs and the transportation cost that the patients incur in visiting the healthcare units. The system is capable of assisting in large geographical domain which offers the benefits of assisting in the dire situation (Turvey et al., 2014). In case, the expert is not physically available to the patient due to geographical distance then the former can offer medical advice or even refer the latter to another suitable expert. Hence, it can be stated that the deemed system provides multiple benefits which should be entertained by everyone. Dinev, T., Albano, V., Xu, H., D’Atri, A., & Hart, P. (2016). Individuals’ attitudes towards electronic health records: A privacy calculus perspective. In  Advances in healthcare informatics and analytics  (pp. 19-50). Springer, Cham. eHealth Reference Platform - Australian Digital Health Agency. (2018). Retrieved 11 March 2018, from Hemsley, B., Georgiou, A., Carter, R., Hill, S., Higgins, I., van Vliet, P., & Balandin, S. (2016). Use of the My Health Record by people with communication disability in Australia: A review to inform the design and direction of future research.  Health Information Management Journal,  45(3), 107-115. McAlearney, A. S., Hefner, J. L., Sieck, C. J., & Huerta, T. R. (2015). The journey through grief: insights from a qualitative study of electronic health record implementation.  Health services research,  50(2), 462-488. Turvey, C., Klein, D., Fix, G., Hogan, T. P., Woods, S., Simon, S. R., ... & Wakefield, B. (2014). Blue Button use by patients to access and share health record information using the Department of Veterans Affairs' online patient portal.  Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association,  21(4), 657-663. Walsh, L., Hemsley, B., Allan, M., Adams, N., Balandin, S., Georgiou, A., ... & Hill, S. (2017). The E-health Literacy Demands of Australia's My Health Record: A Heuristic Evaluation of Usability.  Perspectives in health information management,  14(Fall).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

1. Discuss why human rights emerged as an important issue in Essay

1. Discuss why human rights emerged as an important issue in international relations Explain the impact of major cases in international politics - Essay Example Essentially, this tome defined human dignity, as against honor, which according to Berger, Berger and Kellner, always relates to the intrinsic humanity divested of all socially imposed roles or norms and that it pertains to the self as such, to the individual regardless of his position in society (Berger, Berger and Kellner 1974, 89-90). To demonstrate how the Declaration impacted international relations, there is the fact that it is often cited in UN resolutions of the General Assembly as well as the other agencies of the world body. More importantly, the Declaration has also been often used as the foundation of the constitution, laws and judicial decisions of numerous states, making the declaration some form of a standard measuring the progress of states and peoples toward realizing the full respect for human freedom. Further on, there is also the power of technology and the integrating nature of communication and globalization that made it impossible for atrocities committed against individuals to be hidden from international scrutiny. An excellent example was when in 1983, peasants from Uchuraccay, Peru killed visiting journalists mistaking them as members of Sendero Lumino (SL), the most notorious terrorist group in Latin America. Because of this, Peru came to the attention of world and human rights became part of the Peruvians’ ordinary language (Cleary 91). Non-governmental organizations have also been formed, with hundreds of thousands of volunteers, experts and civil servants pledging to pursue and protect international human rights. The negative dimension to the human rights discourse in the context of international relations is demonstrated in the US-Latin American relations. A specific reference to the American policy towards human rights was contained in the inaugural address of US President Carter wherein he declared: â€Å"Because we are free, we can never be

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Sustainable Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Sustainable Design - Essay Example The balancing of these aspects in the new product development design is the outlook of 'Sustainable product development and design'. "To create sustainable products and services that increase stakeholders' 'quality of life', whilst at the same time achieving major reductions in resource and energy use, will require a significant emphasis on stimulating new ideas through higher levels of creativity and innovation"- e generation Business Learning Centre. Thus it becomes evident that creating new designs may need increased creativity as well as the fullest involvement form the varied strata of people, if new solutions and designs are to be generated which will substantiate the Sustainable Product Design Development. In general 'sustainable development' is to be seen as a basic human concept dealing with the kind of environment the people would like to live in. Sustainable development is a strong image but a provocative one. The best place to get good suggestions on the sustained development is the 'customers'. Many companies have forgotten to talk to customers but have focused inwardly on the technological and improvements required for, primarily eco-design using less energy and less components etc. In many cases such suggestions may not be the right solution but nevertheless, it can be demonstrated that new ideas can reach marketplace if the conditions are right." Quite understandably, the majority of people do not understand the academic concept of sustainable development. Indeed, research for the Department of Environment in the UK, indicated that sustainable development was seen as a government construct to keep people out of environmental issues" Martin Charter and Anne Chick (1997). Keepi ng this context in view, this paper attempts to cover an overview of creation of new sustainable product designs to manufacture products, services and product service systems in so far they address economical, social and environmental issues. This paper also aims to have a re-look in to the past, study the present and suggest possible future solutions to the impact of product design on these issues. 2.0 SUSTAINABLE PRODUCT DESIGN-ECONOMICAL ISSUES As we described at the outset, good design and good business go hand-in-hand. The best challenge in business that a firm may face is to arrive at an exact product design even at the first instance so that the rushing to be first to the market will not result in design flaws and the resultant poor performance of the product. This may totally negate any advantage resulting to the firm because of its efficient and quicker 'time to market'. "An effective design process: Matches product or service characteristics with customer requirements Ensures that customer requirements are met in the simplest and less costly manner Reduces the time required to design a new product or service and Minimize the revisions necessary to make a design workable." - (Roberta S. Russell & Bernard W. Taylor III 2003) All the above objectives flow only in one direction; that is to maximize the benefit of the value design. All forces in an organization work in cognition to align themselves with the common aim of achieving market share, sales volume, brand reputation, customer loyalty, profit margin and channel growth and so on. A careful analysis of these

Saturday, November 16, 2019

A Prime Example of Authoritative Parenting Essay Example for Free

A Prime Example of Authoritative Parenting Essay Parental styles have a well-documented influence on children, and play a strong role in a child’s development. Authoritative parenting has been proven to potentially reduce a child’s risk of associating with antisocial peers, and deter engagement in delinquent behavior. Authoritative parenting has also been shown to raise adults that have healthy emotional adjustment and prosocial behavior. My parents used an authoritative parenting style that created a stable, engaging, warm and nurturing childhood for me. I plan on being an authoritative parent. It worked well in my family, and because research both contemporary and historically states that authoritative parenting is the preferable style. My family is an American nuclear family composed of a father, mother and two siblings. My father Jim is a very successful architect and entrepreneur and my mother Michele is the CFO of their businesses, which allowed her to be a stay at home mother for me and my older brother Kristopher. My parents are a solid example of the authoritative parenting style; their parenting style created a stable, engaging, warm and nurturing childhood for me. I believe the productive and effective business relationship they developed as business partners directly influenced how well they parented, and that their experience in joint decision making especially benefited their parenting, and ultimately me as well. Throughout my childhood and adolescence they were a solid authoritative parenting team, which helped them create a home with a lot of structure. Minuchin, as quoted by Omer, Steinmetz, Carthy and Schlippe (2013), says â€Å"Structure plays a crucial role in promoting a stable and secure frame for family life (Minuchin, 1974).† I strongly feel that the structure positively affected my development by minimizing conflict and confusion. I believe my parent’s personalities also greatly influenced why and how they are authoritative parents. My mother is intelligent, articulate, willful, persistent, ethical, logical, and astonishingly organized. My mother has a dominate personality, and is a woman whose actions are generally the result of reason not her emotions, which is rare for women. However, she is an incredibly warm and nurturing mother who has always been emotionally available for me. I feel these positive traits influenced why I generally listened to her advice and direction, as she was a reliable and available mother. I have always immensely respected and loved

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Scarlett Letter :: essays research papers

Symbolism at it's best is limitless in conveying a feeling, mood, or atmoshphere that words alone can not define. It can trigger emotion, persuade the reader to question everything they know thus far, or inflict thoughts that, in the most twisted sense of the story, would seem barely justified. Symboloism reaches out to the reader in numerous ways, but no matter what the effect, it's almost always starts as something subconscious. In Nathanial Hawthorn's novel, 'The Scarlet Letter,' there is an immense ammount of symbolism; the structure and flow of progression are both held back by this element. The subtle way Hawthorn uses this is incredible; he takes us to such a place where everything and everyone is suspect and subject to thorough examination, as things are not always what they seem. Other times, however, they are in fact exactly what they seem; usually too little too late. By the time the truth is laid outright, the truth had already been known; symbolism is subconscious. At t imes when there is no truth to be uncovered, it is the world created by this world of various entities, in a matter of symbol, that lies dormant in the back of the readers head. Being fully and inescapably aware though, from a place deep inside, of the uncertanties and illusions that are not being focused on, instead only hinted at. The mind's eye is where symbolism wraps it's ugly tentacles of doubt and discretion, whether realized by the reader or not. 'The Scarlet Letter,' demonstrates this characteristic impecibly.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The scaffold where Hester stands in front of the public is symbolic of penitence and God's judgement. Dimmesdale on the other hand, can not bring himself to stand on the platform and confess his sins, because of it's comparison to judgement day. The first time he brings himself to stand upon the scaffold, seeking relief from his secret sin is under the cover of night, as if he could hide his sin from the people, or even God. In the end Dimmesdale does stand on the scaffold in the light of day to public confess his sins. This took courage, as the platform represented weakness in the eyes of God.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Across from the prison Hester was sentenced to there is a rose bush; the single beautiful thing in a world of sin and shame. In the book when Pearl was asked where she came from, she states that she was plucked from the rosebush.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Is Coca Cola the Perfect Business? Essay

A. One of the most important skills to learn in managerial economics is the ability to identify a good business. Discuss at least four characteristics of a good business. Based on the article about Coca-Cola, there are five essential characteristics of a business for it to be considered as a â€Å"Good Business†. First, it should be appealing to both young and old alike. Second, it must have a distinct characteristic which cannot be easily imitated by others. Third, it must already made an impact to the market because it has already earned a large portion of market share. Fourth, profit margin and rates of return should be high. And Lastly, it must have a competitive advantage or economic moat. Appealing to both young and old alike. The product that the company sells / offers can be used or consumed by people of all ages. It must be enjoyed not only by selected markets rather it should be enjoyed by all. Distinct characteristic which cannot be easily imitated by others. The product that the company sells / offers must be unique and exceptional. It must safeguard it’s â€Å"secret ingredients†. So that it cannot be easily imitated by others. Large portion of market share. The product that the company sells / offers is used or consumed by a large portion of the market and must be preferred above other companies who are in the same line of business. A good business must able to deploy a lot of incremental capital at an above average rate of return for a long time. If a business is able to do that, it will in effect be helping its shareholders compound their money at a good rate of return and saving them the trouble of having to invest the extra dividends they would have received if the company didn’t reinvest in its operations. A durable competitive advantage or economic moat is what sets apart the good and great companies from the mediocre and downright lousy companies. A significant competitive advantage allows a company to earn better than average profits or maybe even excellent profits, and protects the company’s profits from competitors that want to get a piece of the action. A strong brand, being the low-cost producer, patents, and having a near monopoly over a certain market are some sources of competitive advantage. B. Identify and talk about at least four companies that you regard as having the characteristics listed here. Apple Company – This popular company is the brain behind gadgets like iPod, iPad, iPhone, and MacBooks. Their products are user-friendly and can easily be used by people both young and old. Also, Apple always sees to it that their products offer unique features which suit the people’s wants and needs enabling the people to patronize their products; thus in return, earning a large portion of market share compared to other competitors. SM Investments Corporation – This is composed group of companies: Retail, Mall Operations, Property, and Banking & Finance. RETAIL – SM is the Philippines’ most dominant player in retail with 193 stores nationwide. Of these, 46 are SM Department Stores; 37 are SM Supermarkets, 76 are SaveMore branches; and 34 are SM Hypermarkets. MALL OPERATIONS – SM is the Philippines’ largest shopping mall developer and operator with 46 malls nationwide. SM Prime also owns 4 malls in China’s second and third-tier cities, namely Xiamen, Jinjiang, Chengdu, and Suzhou. By the end of 2012, SM Prime will have a total of 46 malls in the Philippines and five in China with a combined GFA of 6.3 mn sqm. PROPERTY – SM’s property group is a fast emerging business with interests in residential, commercial, leisure and hotel development.SMDC is rapidly growing with 15 residential projects under its SM Residences and two projects under its M Place brand. BANKING & FINANCE – SM’s bank network is the largest in the Philippines with its 41% interest in BDO Unibank and 20% interest in China Banking Corp. In 2Q 2012, BDO became the country’s largest bank in terms of assets with 744 branches nationwide. Chinabank is the 8th largest with 307 branches nationwide. ABS-CBN – is a major Filipino commercial television network owned and operated by the Filipino media conglomerate ABS-CBN Corporation, a publicly traded company. It is the country’s leading television network with an advertising revenue amounted to 17.5 billion pesos for the fiscal year 2011 San Miguel Corporation – is Southeast Asia’s largest publicly listed food, beverage and packaging company with over 17,000 employees in over 100 major facilities throughout the Asia-Pacific region. San Miguel carries many brand names in the Philippine food and beverage industry, including San Miguel Pale Pilsen, Ginebra San Miguel, Monterey, Magnolia, and Purefoods. San Miguel Beer is one of the largest selling beers and among the top ten selling beer brands in the world. SMC manufacturing operations extend beyond its home market to Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Australia; and its products are exported to 60 markets around the world. C. Suppose you bought common stock in each of the four companies identifies here. Three years from now, how would you know if your analysis was correct? What would convince you that your analysis was wrong? Supposing I bought common stock in each of the four companies indentified above; three years from now, I would know that my analyses were correct by simply looking back and evaluating if the company still suffice the list of characteristics of a good business. I will be convinced that my analyses were wrong if it will not suffice even just one of the characteristics listed for it to be considered as a â€Å"good business†.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Police Brutality Essay

When one thinks of a cop what should come to mind is â€Å"hero†. Cops should be a sign of safety, when a cop comes around you should feel safe and protected. Although a few years ago it was that way it is no longer true. Now day’s cops are seen as people you want to stay away from, people are afraid of them. Cops are now abusing, assaulting, and killing innocent people, this is called police brutality. Police brutality can be caused by policeman’s ability to assume everyone is up to no good, racism, and thinking they have the power to do whatever they want, and it results in falsely accused young adults, death, abuse of power by troubling the lives of others. All over the world people are getting falsely accused and charged with crimes they did not commit, abused, and even killed because of police brutality. When police cars drive around in certain neighborhoods and see a bunch of teens standing around or just any type of people around in groups they automatically start to assume that they are up to no good. In the video I am Sean Bell a child said â€Å" There’s been a lot of times where people got shot over nothing. Like one guy he got shot just for pulling out a brush.† This shows that even though the man wasn’t doing anything wrong and didn’t have anything illegal on him the police just assumed that he was up to no good and was going to fire a weapon. Now days you can’t even pull out a brush without getting shot by police officers. In my eyes they are not protecting us they are taking us down. Nationally 83 percent of police are white; this is most likely why black males are locked up and get pulled over daily. Racism is something that is still a huge problem in America. White people are always seeing blacks as criminals and anytime there is a crime blacks are the first ones who are blamed. â€Å"Tonight there is anger here in New York City as 5 police officers fire 50 rounds into a vehicle last weekend killing one man, injuring two others. Victims were all black and unarmed.† – I am Sean Bell. Why was it necessary to shoot 50 rounds into a vehicle? What did they do that was so wrong for police to fire 50 rounds into their vehicle? The men in the  vehicle were not armed so why were two of them injured and one killed. Police see black people and see them all as criminals that lead to situations like this. If cops weren’t racist maybe so many black people would not be locked up or killed. When a person becomes a police officer they all a sudden thinks they have all the power in the world and can do anything they want and get away with it. Policemen think that they can do anything in the world, they think they have godlike powers and when they do certain things they will get away with it, and the truth is most of the time they do get away with it just by saying â€Å" I thought it was the right call†. Just because they think something is up doesn’t give them the right to start shooting or arrest someone. Everyday people are getting searched without consent, with no warrant, with no reason whatsoever for their actions other than they wanted to. A lot of policemen will pull citizens over for no reason; the biggest reason is to meet their quota. At the end of the month when they don’t have enough tickets to give to their chief they just start pulling people over for going 2 miles over the speed limit, which is unnecessary. â€Å"Some of the interacti ons are entirely situational and unpredictable, driven by each party’s immediate constructions of the others motives or actions. Voice may be expressed and altercations may occur when officers show disrespect towards a citizen or when officers refuse to provide reasons for their actions.†(Weitzer) Policemen go around and tackle citizens to cuff them when all they had to say was put your hand up. By watching numerous episodes of cops I’ve learned that cops don’t give anyone any time to follow their instructions. If you don’t comply within a second they result to force which is completely unnecessary and may injure innocent citizens. Police use unnecessary force before they even find out what the story is. In my view police really need to tone it down and do their job the way it is supposed to be done and not hurt or kill innocent people. In conclusion policeman these days do not know how to do their job without injuring, or killing innocent or even guilty citizens. The job of a policeman is to clean up the streets effectively and with the least amount of casualties possible. The police are not doing their job the way it is  supposed to be done. They are being extremely violent, and killing innocent people, they don’t give people the chance to do what they want them to do. For the safety of others the police need to change, Cops are now abusing, assaulting, and killing innocent people, this is called police brutality. Police brutality can be caused by policeman’s ability to assume everyone is up to no good, racism, and thinking they have the power to do whatever they want, and it results in falsely accused young adults, death, abuse of power by troubling the lives of others. Sources Christina, Lund, et al. â€Å"Violent Criminal Recidivism In Mentally Disordered Offenders: A Follow-Up Study Of 13–20Years Through Different Sanctions.† International Journal Of Law And Psychiatry 36.Special Issue on Prisons and Mental Health (n.d.): 250-257. ScienceDirect. Web. 6 Nov. 2013. Media That Matters: Films I Am Sean Bell. Dir. Stacey Muhammad. Media That Matters Film Festival News. Media That Matters, n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2013. Goodman, Amy, and Denis Moynihan. â€Å"October 24, 2013.† Democracy Now! Democracy Now, 24 Oct. 2013. Web. 06 Nov. 2013.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The eNotes Blog Ten Things You (Probably) Didnt Know About the Fourth ofJuly

Ten Things You (Probably) Didnt Know About the Fourth ofJuly There are lots of things we expect on the Fourth:   fireworks, friends, family. There are things we love (sparklers, Roman candles, cold beer) and things we despise (sauerkraut, ambrosia, Lee Greenwood all right, haters this was from a friend. Direct all your spittle-filled anger elsewhere). Here are a few unexpected things about the Fourth you can share tomorrow, if only to divert moms attention away from Uncle Collin while he takes the youngest   kids round back to set off three packs of taped-together Blackcat firecrackers 10.   No Rush to Get God Bless America to the People Famed American composer Irving Berlin gave his adopted nation one of its greatest and most iconic songs but it didn’t see the light of day because its author didn’t deem it worthy of being sung. Berlin was drafted into the military in the early 1900s and helped to draft a musical comedy for his fellow troops in which he composed the song for its final number - a tune inspired by a phrase his Russian mother would often utter after escaping to America from underneath the iron fist of the bloody Russian empire. However, the composer didn’t think it would fit in the show and kept it in his file for 20 years until singer Kate Smith wanted a patriotic song to sing on the radio as war broke out across Europe. The song became one of the most requested patriotic ditties almost overnight and a staple in American songbooks.   (Source) 9.   Ehhhh Well Get To It. Were Busy. July 4th was not declared a federal holiday until 1941.   Most federal holidays are observed on a Monday but despite the temptation of a Guaranteed Long Weekend,   that pesky date made lawmakers leave it be.   (Source) 8.   A B- for the High School Student Who Designed the Modern Flag High school student Robert G. Heft of Lancaster, Ohio was assigned to create a new â€Å"national banner† for America that would recognize the statehood of Alaska and Hawaii. Heft simply added two extra stars to the flag to give it an even 50 and stitched his own design. His teacher only gave him a â€Å"B-minus† for his effort, so he sent his project to President Dwight D. Eisenhower for consideration and a change of grade. Eisenhower chose his design personally and the new flag was officially adopted in 1960. His teacher then gave him an â€Å"A† instead.   (Source) 7.   Baseball Greatness on the Fourth Dave Righetti of the NY Yankees pitched a no-hitter on July 4, 1983. Two years later, on   July 4, 1985, the Atlanta Braves and the New York Mets went 19 innings and ended close to 4 AM.   The Mets won 16-13.   (Source) 6.   Nathans Fourth of July Hotdog Eating Contest How is this even a thing? Competitive NAPPING, now thats something I can get behind. Anyway, this tradition began in 1972 when four immigrants held a hot dog eating contest at Nathans Famous stand on Coney Island to settle an argument about who was the most patriotic. Why? MURRICA. Thats why. 5.   Whats More American Than Apple Pie? Not apple pie. The phrase â€Å"as American as apple pie† has made the dessert treat a staple of any patriotic holiday or celebration. The truth is that apple pie had its roots embedded in other cultures long before America came along and joined the world. All but one breed of apples aren’t indigenous to American soil and came to the States by way of early European settlers who brought the fruit and the original pie recipe with them.   (Source) 4.  Ã‚   A Good Day to Die John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe all died on the fourth of July. Adams, the second president, and Jefferson, the third president, both died on the same day in 1826. 3.   A Good Day to be Born Americas thirtieth president, Calvin Coolidge, Jr. was born on July 4, 1872. 2.   Burn, Baby, Burn! Fireworks Trivia:   190 million pounds of fireworks   are sold in America each year. 8 million dollars in damage is incurred annually by fireworks in America. $40,000 is the average cost in dollars of a 20-minute professional pyrotechnic display. 10,000 Americans are injured by fireworks accidents each year. Sparklers burn at a toasty 1,200 degrees.   (Source) 1.   July 2nd! Wooooooooooooooooooot.? Perhaps the greatest misconception of this American holiday lies in the name and its equally iconic date. The true â€Å"Independence Day† depends on your definition of when such an official declaration was indeed truly official. It’s widely believed that America’s first Continental Congress declared their independence from the British monarchy on July 4th, 1776. However, the official vote actually took place two days before and the â€Å"Declaration† was published in the newspapers on July 4th.   (Source)

Monday, November 4, 2019

Learning Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Learning Theories - Essay Example Behaviorism is an important approach in educating younger students. Young learners may sometimes be unmanageable especially when they are left on their own (Casas, 2011). In teaching, behaviorists usually lay down the rules to the students at the beginning of the year. This helps to avoid misbehavior. Teachers also use positive and negative reinforcements to affect students’ behavior. As such, it is imperative for teachers to know their students’ behavior and plan out reinforcements to influence negative behaviors and make them positive. Rewards that are meaningful to the students should be in place to strengthen positive behaviors, and rules must be set at the very start to avoid negative behaviors. Classroom management is one aspect that a behaviorist teacher focuses on. Students have different personalities but when they come to school, they act in uniformity according to the policies and regulations set by the school and its teachers. Establishing classroom rules is thus the first step to a well-managed classroom. Teachers should make it a point to establish rules at the beginning of the year and have them posted. In particular, classroom rules may be memorized by students and recited as part of routines. Rules may be posted on the bulletin board to remind students of their responsibility. In terms of assignments, it is best to make contracts for parents or guardians to sign. There should be an assignment notebook where students will write all their assignments. The teacher signs the assignment page, whether it was completed or not, and students will ask their parents to countersign the page so as to monitor students’ effort in doing their assignments. ... Rules may be posted on the bulletin board to remind students of their responsibility. In terms of assignments, it is best to make contracts for parents or guardians to sign. There should be an assignment notebook where students will write all their assignments. The teacher signs the assignment page, whether it was completed or not, and students will ask their parents to countersign the page so as to monitor students’ effort in doing their assignments. Practicing routines is another beneficial aspect of the behaviorist classroom. Routines help to make students become organized individuals. Students who learn routines in school will learn to keep a routine at home and eventually, in their professional field. With routines, performance and processes will be perfected. As part of everyday routine, students should greet the teacher and their classmates, check attendance by counting off (each should be assigned a class number), recite classroom rules, and report current news. The re porting of current events should be done in turns, based on the class number. These routine activities are supposed to prepare students for the day ahead, and to condition them to behave the way they should in school. Setting the mood of students is a must in the behaviorist classroom. In every lesson, the teacher should always give students some idea on what to expect for the day. This gets the students in the mood for activities, games, etc. For example, if the teacher says, â€Å"Today, we will play a game.† The students will know how to behave or react, and they will respond accordingly to the situation. If some serious activities need to be accomplished, then the teacher could say, â€Å"Have you made a Diorama? Today, I will teach you how to

Saturday, November 2, 2019

TOCYO's Approach Managing People Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

TOCYO's Approach Managing People - Assignment Example The report will discuss the issues that were currently being faced by the company. The company was in quite a lot of mess there were many issues in nearly all the departments of the company as well as the management alos had issues amongst themselves. The report will identify the issues, present the causes of the issues and then present a solution for the problem. The only solution for the company is to bring about a whole revamping era into his firm so as to make sure that they can grab back their marketing share and as well as start making profits. INTRODUCTION The company was founded by Harold Bennett who was an ex-marine engineer, he company was working successfully under him and there were no serious issues, but when issues started to raise their heads, he sold the company to another person and stopped his interference in the company, but later when once again the company was losing out on its market share the new owner decided to sell it. Gordon Bennett, who was a family member of the founder felt that the company should once again come back into the family decided to undergo a management buyout. ... Each departmental head was on the look out to create benefit for themselves and for her friends. The employee were not being paid properly, there was serious discrepancies in the pays that were being handed out and the employees hence felt degraded and left out. There were serious financial drains in the company in the form of part time workers and failed experiments. Also, some of the departmental heads had made many things an egotistical issue, when there was no such thing. The departmental head had also failed to account for the cultural structure of Mexico where unionism is quite strong and hence the difference in payments was treated as a huge issue. One major thing in the company was the increasing nepotism which always leads to the downfall of companies. Another major issue that he is currently facing is in relation to the relocation, if he merges the two units there will be some layoffs, but it would result in major cost savings, he has to make a decision about it as well and soon, and make sure that decision is in the favor of the employees and the company as a whole. Management Currently there are many issues in the management; in fact some of the major issues which are then leading to smaller issues are emerging from the management. The HR department at first needs a serious bit of change, although Swagg has a lot of experience in the same industry but she really lacks the honesty and the vigor that should be in her as a part of HR department. The kind of employees that you are hire are the ones that really make a difference in today’s business, employees help you create the niche that gives you a competitive advantage in the long run. She should know that

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Insurance Going Web-Based Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Insurance Going Web-Based - Research Paper Example This research paper aims to describe web based insurance that is faced with many problems that will take time before it can match other internet services like internet banking. Though there are benefits of a company moving towards web based insurance, the problems are still many. The first problem is the lack of customers’ willingness to purchase and handle their insurance issues over the internet. The second problem is the fact that insurance companies and firms will always go on to design their own internet products and services unique to their company and will not corporate in the field. The third problem is that the internet is particularly suitable for products where contact with the company is more frequent. The fourth problem is that little knowledge exists in web based insurance as compared to other internet services like internet banking. The fifth problem is that, it is very difficult to standardize claims settlement for example, as this involves a lot of decision ma king. Looking at the above issues we can conclude that web based insurance is something difficult as insurance is different from other services that are offered online. However, the researcher also discusses several benefits of web-based insurance. It can be concluded that there exist many problems in insurance going web based from the manual method. The many complexities in insurance products make it difficult to implement it. There are a few benefits that can be identified but the problems are still many and difficult to solve.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Living in the promised land Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Living in the promised land - Essay Example In an interview segment one, Grace Kapuro a physician from Philippines living in America gives a viably different approach to life in America. She alluded that in Philippines she had an easy life compared to the life in America. She claimed that life in America could be described as busy life where one has to do all chores compared to Philippines where she could get house maids. The adjustment in language, foods, dressing and customs as she puts it, was not as easy but was worthwhile. In the career field in Philippines she was a doctor but had to do some academic adjustments to fit if the medical field in America which later became very fulfilling (Luis canjura.segment 1) According to Kapuro the Philams (Philipine Americans) were different from the Philippino immigrants in some aspect of maintaining culture. The immigrants had been able to maintain their culture but the American born Philippines had already been integrated into the American culture. After the adjustments the physician said America is the country filled with milk and honey (Luis canjura.segment 1) Benito Vergara argues that relocating to the United States for their own individual interest is a betrayal to the Philippines because they are only immigrating for their own material success. Grace grabbed the opportunity and struggled the first few years she settled in. Immigrating to America, Grace saw it as an opportunity because she wanted to fulfill her American dream (Luis canjura.segment 2). After settling in America, Grace petitioned for her husband later her father. For the majority of Filipinos, it is true that they immigrate to America for their financial requirements which according to Grace seemed different in the early years of living in America. Homesickness was a common feeling in America, based on the fact that America had own cultures, food, language and the busy life in the city (Vergers, 46). Grace stated that she attended public school where the ratio in the classroom

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Life Styles Inventory (LSI) Assignment

Life Styles Inventory (LSI) Assignment Behavior Styles Life Styles Inventory (LSI): Self Description â€Å"The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office.† Dwight D. Eisenhower Introduction: Thinking and Behavior The Life Styles Inventory (LSI) identifies the essential thoughts and stimulus that guide individuals behavior. Often referred to as personal styles, management styles and leadership styles, these signify the essence of an individuals effectiveness. The quality of my thinking and behavior contributes greatly to my work performance. Fortunately, I have the power to change ineffective thinking and behavior, the kind that can paralyze an individuals effectiveness. But first I need to know if what I’m doing now is supporting from quality performance. The scoring reveals where I have talent, where I can grow, and where I may be able to develop even stronger skills by simply shifting behaviors that could be holding me back (limiting style). Personal Thinking Styles: Based on the Life Styles Inventory results, my primary personal thinking style is self-actualization. Self-actualization in life is very important to make sure you are pleased with your inner self and behaviors. This goes back to morals and how you were raised. Self-actualization allows me to always be pleased and happy with the decisions I make in life. As a professional, making decisions that I will be happy with is essential. You may not always be pleased with decisions that others make, but I believe it’s important to please self when it involves making personal decisions. My back-up style is achievement. Achievement is setting goals at work and in my personal life. You must be determined, focused, goal-oriented and dedicated to talks given. For example, pursuing a Master’s degree is a personal goal I’m striving to accomplish for self-satisfaction, not for others satisfaction. The style that I think might be working against me to reduce your effectiveness is the perfectionist style. IT can be limiting because nothing is perfect and you have to have a backup plan in case obstacles occur. Being a perfectionist can waste time and money when it comes to the workplace. In some cases perfection is needed. When pharmacists prescribe medication to patients they need to strive to provide the perfect medication for the problem because if they don’t things could go wrong with the patient. There are times where perfection is needed and others when you’re just wasting precious money and time. Impact On Management Style: With the high achieving style being the second high rated style on my inventory list, it has a major impact on my management style. A high achievement style indicates I set goals and is enthusiastic about working towards difficult but realistic goals. In pursuit of goals and achieving high quality results, I’m likely to follow a well-developed plan that has been considered in depth. I carefully examine my options before deciding on a plan of action. To adequately isolate these behaviors or ways of thinking and emphasize strengths, it is essential to understand their impact on quality of performance. As a manager I will have a positive effect on my employees. Being that the poser style is on the bottom of my totem pole, I believe that the humanistic and encouraging style will set well with the employees and contribute to a person’s level of satisfaction proficiency at accomplishing tasks. Having the ability to work effectively with people develop healthy relationships is a important in management. Genesis of Personal Styles Since I’m able to remember, I was taught to be your own person. I was taught to always be the leader and not the follower when it comes to personal decisions. It’s very important to not always want to be a leader and never want to follow in the workplace. My mother and father instilled in me to set goals and achieve those goals no matter how long it took to accomplish what you have set for yourself. As a child in the schooldays, I remember bringing home all the books that I had (Math, Science, Language, etc.). If I didn’t have homework in a subject, I had to read the next chapter for the next day. I thank my parents for instilling in me how important knowledge is. I continue to keep that with me after graduating from high school, second year college, four year college and now striving for my Master’s. I can truly say that continuing my education is a major part of my life. Because of my parents teaching, I’m good. Being in the church was another gre at thing that happened to me. A person’s environment can have a major impact on their life. Conclusion and Reflection The underlying thoughts and motivations that guide an individual’s behavior, that is personal styles, management styles and leadership styles, represent the essence of an individuals effectiveness. Research has shown that the styles measured by the LSI are related to a number of indicators of effectiveness and success, including leadership effectiveness, management effectiveness, problem solving effectiveness, quality of interpersonal relations, organizational level, individual health and well being, and organizational culture. I can use what I learn to initiate positive changes in how I think and act according to the changes that increase my personal and professional effectiveness. The LSI can be used to create change through: (1) identifying the unique thinking patterns that characterize your current behavior (2) understanding which of your thinking patterns are effective, which aren’t and why (3) deciding which thinking and behavior patterns you want to change (4) defining optimal ways of thinking and approaching your work, such as, setting targeted improvement goals and creating a precise approach to convey on change.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The History of Puerto Rican Migration :: Historical Puerto Rico Immigration Essays

The History of Puerto Rican Migration Through out the twentieth century Puerto Rican immigrants have played a major role in the United States’ labor force, cultural identity, and in politics. From the 1920’s, when the cigar makers waged their union battles, attracting the attention of other trade unions to Puerto Rican workers. Today the Puerto Rican Political Action Committee of Connecticut (PRPAC) is a major player in state politics, by supporting candidates and getting the Puerto Rican community involved in the elections of the state, but also the city of Hartford. In the "Memoirs of Bernardo Vega: A Contribution to the History of the Puerto Rican Community in New York", Vega talk about finding a voice for the laborers of the city and fighting for equal opportunity for all workers. In Jose Cruz’s "Identity and Power: Puerto Rican Politics and the Challenge of Ethnicity", he talks about in today’s society how Puerto Ricans must stay together in the battle to be heard by the government. As a result of protests against the imprisonment of Eugene V. Debs, a massive strike broke out in July of 1919. The strike stopped all cigar production in New York City, slowly spreading throughout the United States. Quickly unions began to see the importance of the Puerto Rican worker. This strike had many benefits for Puerto Rican workers. Soon after, Puerto Rican laborers began to enjoy the same wages and hours as other immigrant workers from other countries. However, the most notable result of the cigar makers’ strike was that for the first time Puerto Rican delegates were able to participate in the meetings of the union members. The cigar makers’ strike led to other strikes by different Puerto Rican laborers to call the attention of their owners to the fact that the Puerto Rican labor force was a group that was not going to be pushed around. On December 2, 1922 the Liga Puertorriquena was formed. Composed of an array of social, intellectual groups that had never before taken up the position of the workers’ struggle, Liga Puertorriquena was the first major effort to unify the concerns of the entire community. This new group now had the backing of the Puerto Rican community to make their voice heard in the city. Puerto Ricans were now able to protest and have an impact on what was going on both in the community and back on the island.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Urban Alienation

How have three of the texts you have studied provided insight into the individual's relationships to the urban landscape? The three texts; T. S Elite's The Preludes poem, Jennifer Strauss' Migrant Woman on a Melbourne Tram poem and the short story The Pedestrian by Ray Bradbury, provide an insight into each individual's relationship with the urban landscape through the underlying motif of urban alienation. The writers explore the alienating effect of city life as people are forced to suppress and hide their individual identity by conforming to societal expectations, as well as theIdea of examining the universal nature of human despair and Isolation through their depiction off soulless, disconnected and oppressive society. T. S Eliot shows the alienating and disconnection with the urban landscape which Is explored In The Preludes as people are forced to suppress and hide their Individual Identity by conforming to societal expectations wealth city life. Eliot who was a modernist poet, revolted against traditional literary forms and subjects. About the decay of modern salvation, he shared the Ideas of pessimism, disillusionment and futility.As a action to World War l, Eliot describes the metropolis as a place where people physically live, not emotionally live. Throughout the poem there is use of enjambment to render the contemporary disorder and lack of coherence of people's daily lives in the modern city. Alliteration is skillfully used creating emphasis on the imagery of gusty and grimy and the harshness of the rain being described as ;beat on broken blinds'. The city itself is a metaphor or reflection of people's daily lives and inner psyches as they become consumed within the landscape.The second prelude deals tit the personal pain that is so well hidden which is metaphorically presented through the idea of a ‘masquerade'. This pain is shown to be an effect and common lifestyle of this broken city which is shared ‘in a thousand furnished rooms'. In Preludes three and four look at false pretences. Eliot uses the repetition of the conjunction ‘and' to further emphasis the drabness of routine and the endless cycle of existence. There is a sense of prediction and pace through the times four and five and six o' clock' as if trapped in this mechanical routine.People are in the deceitful inform of ‘certain certainties' contained in monotonous activities like ‘fingers of stuffing pipes'. It ends with a sense of emptiness and a sense of searching. The Preludes addresses the need to break the â€Å"chains† or cycle of a personal fixation within the isolation as well as frustration of city life in order to create a stronger relationship with the urban environment. Similarly, â€Å"The Pedestrian† explores alienating effects of city life as people are forced to suppress and hide their Individual Identity by conforming to societal expectations, where the Individual lacks feeling of longing and connectivity. The Pedestrian† Is set AD 2053 In the dyspepsia future. Leonard Mean is the individual whoso Is at odds with his society as he who recognizes the world as soulless and. HIS world has no delve order and Is a futile, anarchic place – where the protagonists name Is also very average and ordinary. There Is a recurring motif of the dead. People are metaphorically described as deadened and zombie-Like or associated with the negative connotation of ;grey phantoms' living In a monotonous and emotionless world.People are trapped and locked inside tomb-like monotony attached with urban living as Leonard goes about his routine he says What's up tonight on Channel 4, Channel 7 and Channel 9? Due to advances in technology, the city dwellers' ability to think for themselves is lost as they become brainwashed and confined to their living rooms watching television, into a dehumidified state. The onomatopoeia and emotive terms Whispering†¦ Murmurs' are both associated with spying or secrets. This suggests Leonard is not conforming to the laws of his society.The harshness and sterility of the robot's ‘metallic' voice idiotically repeats the questions directed to Leonard, asking Walking where? For what? As well the inability to understand his ‘profession' shows an emotionless and artificial world taken over by ever developing technology. This is Juxtaposed between Lemonade's warmth and humor where he replies with a smile ‘nobody wanted me'. Similarly with T. S Elite's The Preludes, in The Pedestrian there are feelings of isolation and being misunderstood by the changing urban society where the world is isolating in cultural and individual identity through the suppressive and conformity.Following the concept of the individual being psychologically â€Å"chained†, the Migrant Woman on a Melbourne Tram reflects Jennifer Strauss' relationship with the urban landscape examined through the portrayal of an illegal alien, where she experiences displacement and anonymity in a foreign urban metropolis. The migrant woman is portrayed as one who ‘hunches' while being described as ‘sweltering with twists in sweating hands'. Further embodying a sense of discomfort is through the rash alliteration of ‘s'.We see the woman as being caught between two cultures; she becomes consumed by the city and forlorn in foreign words and voices'. The effective use of alliteration has a solemn tone which evokes a sense of hopelessness as they ‘echo'. Furthermore; there is a sense of desperation to understand situation. The migrant woman has to break through the language barrier to overcome a loss and lack of cultural identity. There is a threatening and uneasy tone established through the repetition of ‘Impossibly black†¦ Luminosity obscure†¦ Luminosity dark†¦ Possibly departed'. This accumulates and creates an unsettled atmosphere while reflecting the individual's confusion and isolation. This also relates to the women's attire, standing out while being Juxtaposed with the sexualities nature of the ‘impudence of summer thighs/long arms and painted toenails'. This synecdoche may act as a mean to create emphasis on the two contrasting cultures and expose the reader through the notion of the feelings of displacement and complete alienation, which is what the migrant woman would be experiencing.Strauss makes an allusion to Greek hydrology through her reference to the story of Theses and the Minotaur. The migrant woman's almost ‘daunting' and foreboding' feat of making her navigation through an unknown culture alludes to Theses being sent and fed to the Minotaur. The migrant woman is ‘sacrificing herself to this newfound culture and leaving behind her past. The ‘blind beast' may perhaps also signify the industrialized and modern-aged city, ‘devouring or consuming the newly arrived immigrants which correlates with the metaphor of ‘eating up men'. The Preludes and The Pedestrian respond to the ideas shown in the Migrant Woman on a Melbourne Tram in providing an insight to Jennifer Strauss' soulless, disconnected and oppressive relationship with the urban landscape. In the three texts, the readers are provided underlying motif of urban alienation. The ideas explored are when people are forced to suppress and hide their individual identity by conforming to societal expectations, as well as the idea of examining the universal nature of human despair and isolation through their depiction of a soulless, disconnected and oppressive society.